Monday, August 27, 2007


The snow is terrific,
so fun, and such a nice thought,
and how did you guess that
I always wanted to go to
the wonderful world of snow.


Mountain haiku

The hilltop was still,
The summit was silenter,
The Hilltop stayed still.

free verse

The man who walked through st. Pauls square, scuffing his shoes against the ground,
Seemed lonely, but content, because his dog is sauntering beside him. He seems forlorn, and
the man seems to notice, bending down, and picking it up in his firm tight grip.

two years on the man is dead, the dog walks all alone,
till some old chap finds him, and takes him right back home.


Did you ever see a mountain?
standing tall, strong, still and silent.

Jungfrau Acrostic

Jack Frost lives there
Under the snow filled skys
Nothing could stop them
Going up to the summit, bold as brass
French mountaineers climb it, the Swiss do it to
Ranches for skiers, a bit up the mountain
Avalanches bury people
Under the ice they rest in peace

Monday, August 20, 2007



Snow capped
Avalanches rolling down
Cold, icy, breathlessness, rocky